Zabbix alert messages from monitoring


Zabbix is a popular open source monitoring solution.

You can get Zabbix monitoring alerts like server down, disk near full, etc. to Skype with Sevabot.

Setting up a webhook

First you need to configure Media for your Zabbix user. The default user is called Admin.

Go to Administrator > Media types.

Add new media Skype with Script name

Go to Administrator > Users > Admin. Open Media tab. Enable media Skype for this user. In the Send to parameter put in your chat id (see instructions above).

On the server running the Zabbix server process create a file /usr/local/share/zabbix/alertscripts/

# Example shell script for sending a message into sevabot
# Give command line parameters [chat id] and [message].
# The message is md5 signed with a shared secret specified in
# Then we use curl do to the request to sevabot HTTP interface.

# Chat id comes as Send To parameter from Zabbix

# Message is the second parameter

# Our Skype bot shared secret

# The Skype bot HTTP msg interface

md5=`echo -n "$chat$msg$secret" | md5sum`

#md5sum prints a '-' to the end. Let's get rid of that.
for m in $md5; do

curl $msgaddress -d "chat=$chat&msg=$msg&md5=$m"

Doing a agent alive check

Below is a sample Sevabot script which will do a Zabbix agent daemon check on all the servers.

See commands for how to configure SSH access for Sevabot to perform this functionality.

  • Make a fake alert on all monitor servers, listed in ~/.ssh/config of Sevabot UNIX user
  • Zabbix alert script will report back this alert from all servers where Zabbix agent is correctly running
  • You need to add a special trigger in Zabbix which checks a timestamp of /home/zabbix/zabbix_test file, as touched by run by Sevabot

Example monitoring item which keeps track of the file:

.. image:: /images/zabbix-item.png


Depending on the UNIX user home the touch file may be /var/run/zabbix/zabbix_test or /home/zabbix/zabbix_test You might need to manualy switch Item state to Enabled after fixing this.

Example trigger:


Then the script we give to Sevabot to poke the file over SSH to generate Information notification in Zabbix and getting this notification back to our Zabbix monitoring Skype chat, confirming the agent is alive and well.


# Detect if we have a public key available
ssh-add -L > /dev/null

if [[ $? != "0" ]] ; then
    echo "Log-in as sevabot UNIX user and authorize SSH key"
    exit 1

# Get list of hosts from SSH config file
HOSTS=`grep "Host " ~/.ssh/config | awk '{print $2}'`

# If some hosts don't have zabbix agents running, there's no need to use this script for them.
# Add this line to ~/.ssh/config:
# #NoAgents host1 host2
NOAGENT=`grep "#NoAgents " ~/.ssh/config | cut -d' ' -f2- | tr ' ' '\n'`

if [ -n "$NOAGENT" ]; then
    HOSTS=`echo -e "$HOSTS\n$NOAGENT" | sort | uniq -u`

# Tell Sevabot what agents we are going to call
echo "Agents: $HOSTS" | tr '\n' ' '


# On each server touch a file to change its timestamp
# Zabbix monitoring system will detect this and
# report the alert back to Skype chat via a hook
for h in $HOSTS; do
   ssh -o "PasswordAuthentication no" $h "touch -m zabbix_test"
   if [[ $? != "0" ]] ; then
    echo "Failed to SSH to $h as sevabot UNIX user"

if [[ $errors == "0" ]] ; then
    echo "Succesfully generated zabbix_test ping on all servers"

Example ~/.ssh/config:

Host xxx
User zabbix

Host yyy
User zabbix

Please note that you need to set up bot SSH keys for this.


  • If none of the agents is not replying your Zabbix host is probably messed up, reboot it: /etc/init.d/zabbix-server restart
  • If some of the agents are replying manually restart non-replying agents